Wednesday, May 27, 2009

5:42 AM

*WHOA. This blog just took a whole new direction. Not on purpose. I'll get back to what it is intended for soon enough. This is me. As honest and open as I'm capable of being right now. This is me. It might be best if you start at the post titled 3:02 AM and work your way back up. Warning: it's really late, or early depending on how you look at it. I haven't slept at all. Expect my grammar to be worse than normal. I'm not even going to try to get it right.*

And now the tears begin to fall...

As I've worked on "the lady" for the past couple of hours I've been listening to a series by Matt Chandler. I had listened to the first sermon in the series over the weekend and knocked out two and three just now. The series is titled, The Great Cause and you can listen to it here.  It's pretty stinkin' fantastic. Wait, I take that back. It's pretty stinkin' convicting. And probably what I've been kept awake for. It takes a good, hard look at sin and the Gospel, two things that I've ignored in recent days (weeks, months, maybe even years). 

It's been a while since I've been broken. Not in the physical sense (knock on wood, I'm not due to the emergency room for a few more years), but in the spiritual. I haven't been very transparent recently and this is my first shot at it. Even now, I type, delete, and re-type words trying to get it just right for my friends who will read this, family, co-workers, old pals from Bullitt County, Bowling Green, "jeanjean"(who follows this blog although I have no clue who she/he is), and anyone else who might wander across it. 

So how will this translate to reality? I face the world in a few short hours. Time will tell I suppose...

...that is all. For real this time.

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