Friday, May 15, 2009

A MILLion stories to share 1.1

Meet Jamenita
This is my little sister through the Big Brothers, Big Sisters organization. She's six and quite the character. We always have fun together. She keeps me young. 

Earlier this week we hung out at Centennial Park. She had just been given a Dora the Explorer pail and shovel so she insisted on playing in the sand. A few other kids joined us as we made a sand birthday cake complete with stick candles. Next thing you know, we're singing "Happy Birthday" and she's blowing out her candles.

After everyone had their turn celebrating we moved on to the playground. After several rejected requests to chase her, she settled on going down the slide by herself.

She did convince me once to go down the slide with her. I'm pretty sure I have a few bruises, but unfortunately, no pictures. The next order of business was swinging. She's old enough and smart enough to swing on her own, but she likes being pushed so she can go up real high.

We ended our day on the smaller playground where I worked hard to protect the 2 year olds hanging out at the bottom of the slide she was racing down. Smaller children just don't move out of the way fast enough for her!

The last time we hung out at Centennial (it's my favorite place in Nashville, by the way) we fed the ducks and had a picnic. She's convinced the ducks understand English.

She had doritos with her sandwich. Isn't she precious?

No matter how tired I feel or how many other things I have going on in my life, the time spent with her is always worth it. I try and hang out every other week for a couple of hours. If you have 4-8 hours to give up a month I'd recommend getting your own little. She is truly a blessing in my life. You can start here:

1 comment:

  1. =) She is beautiful! I got your comment, and you know, this 'giving your time' thing you do....I will always think of you as the person who gave me their time and brought me to the cross. We were just in Nashville last month, but I didn't realize you lived there, I'm so bummed about that! There is a tattoo shop in Downtown Nashville we want to visit, perhaps when we save up some money for it Mike and I can take a trip to see you (and the shop of course, it's on commerce, I think...) Other than that, Cave City area might be mid way, I'll have to check, we are about 45 from North Bullitt area. I hope you are doing very well!!!
