Thursday, June 18, 2009

a MILLion stories to share 1.4

I've never been fond of autographs. I've never understood how scribbling black ink onto something could ADD value to it. I've never believed that any name could be worth so much. 

Yesterday, that changed.

Julie Roberts, in the middle of her last song, headed into the stands where the women were seated. Women from various paths in life that had all found themselves inside the women's prison in Nashville for one reason or another. She had chosen songs of despair, hope, and encouragement. Songs that the women could relate to and understand. Songs they could sing along to. A few of them didn't hesitate to reach out a pen and paper for her to sign. That simple signature would be a lasting reminder of that day. That there were women who had walked that path, but had found their way home. 

Magdalene is a 2-year residential community for women with a history of drug abuse and prostitution in Nashville founded by Becca Stevens, an Abingdon Press author. Women from the program, along with Becca, her husband Marcus Hummon, and Julie visited the prison to offer encouraging, truthful words. Several of the Magdalene women read from Find Your Way Home: Words From the Street, Wisdom From the Heart while Julie and Marcus played a few tunes. 

Marcus closed the event with a song that he wrote, one that you've probably heard. Rascal Flatts made it famous and weddings across the country have worn it out. Bless the Broken Road took on a whole new meaning for me as I sat amongst the crowd and remembered that it was only grace that had kept me from walking a similar path.

It was truly something remarkable to be a part of. I can't imagine having spent 15+ years of my life working the streets and being addicted to drugs or the road to recovery from these things. It was humbling. Encouraging. Inspiring. Motivating.

Although I am the publicist for Abingdon Press, this is not a cheap attempt to promote an author or title. The women of Magdalene (and Thistle Farms) serve as proof that love heals. Check out their stories and their products. And, if you want, buy the book! ;)

Some days, I love my job...

1 comment:

  1. love the post, Ashley! I posted some pics from the event on our blog ( look forward to continuing on the journey with you!
