Tuesday, April 6, 2010

With an inspired heart...

First, I apologize for going so long without an update on my mom. It's been hard for me to put into words the various emotions I've felt through the past few months and a simple "this is what's going on" type update didn't seem fair. I tend to put up walls and only let a few people in on how my heart is doing and what I'm feeling as a result of all the changes happening. To put it all down on paper (or in a blog) and know that anyone could come across it is not an easy task. My slight perfectionism doesn't help either!

To provide a quick update on her status, mom has had two chemo treatments and is still recovering from her surgery. For the most part, she is back on her feet (when the chemo hasn't knocked her out), but still has a little soreness in her stomach and two chemo ports. She has been very lucky to have minimal side effects from the medicine and even plans to try and work here and there a bit. We have moved past being hopeful that the chemo will treat the remaining cancer to being confident and praying expectantly that her cancer is already gone.

I feel very fortunate to have a mother who is as strong and positive as she is, a father that loves her, his children, and of course, his grandson, and a sister that I can relate to on so many levels (and, I can't forget about my brother-in-law who adds humor whether he's awake or asleep!). Though the past few months have brought challenges and heartache, no day has passed where hope and peace did not dwell. I feel closer to my family than ever before.

That's all for now. My heart has so much more to say, but isn't communicating that to the typing fingers. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Ps- stay tuned. Pictures from Easter with the fam are coming soon. Including my precious nephew and my cousin's sweet, little baby!

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