Thursday, November 19, 2009

A MILLion stories to share 2.2

I haven't posted about my little sister lately (from Big Brothers Big Sisters), so here's a recap of the past month! I love spending time with her. She brings so much joy to my life. She's hilarious, sweet, goofy, and has quite the imagination. My mom was in town tonight and wanted to meet her. We had dinner at Dave & Buster's and then played games. They're now best friends. She decided she didn't like the name Bev and decided to call my mom "Bob" instead, which she did - all night! Also, when it was time to pick a prize with our tickets we had three people give us their tickets! We doubled what we started with. Seriously, next time, we're just going to hang out in the "prize corner" and I'm gonna let her pout about wishing she had more tickets every time someone comes around. She's better at that than playing the games and I'll save a ton of money. Maybe I'll start a college fund for her with the savings!

Last weekend we took advantage of the great weather and headed to Shelby Park in East Nashville for a bit. Check it out:

And, finally, here are a few shots from the "Ghouls at Grassmere" event at the zoo a few weeks ago:

that is all


  1. Aww... I LOVE them!!! Glad you guys had a good time with "Bob."
