Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Wrap-up

(this is what happens when I don't use the viewfinder)

I enjoyed a long weekend with the family over the Thanksgiving holiday. I got to play with the new babies in the family, eat lots of turkey and other goodies, shop on Black Friday, and watch UK fall to UT for the 25th time since I've been alive. Minus the Cats losing to UT, the weekend was great! Here are a few shots.

Meet Elijah. He's 3-months old and quite the happy little baby.

Bryona, is 6-months and is all decked out in her pink adidas outfit!

I love my Kentucky Wildcats - even of the football kind, despite their 25-year losing streak to UT.

Starting tomorrow I'll have a daily post related to Christmas. Maybe. That's my goal anyways...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

MILLing about: Cheekwood (part 2)

If you live in Nashville and have never been to Cheekwood you need to check it out. I plan on going back in the spring time! We ran out of time to check out the Japanese Gardens and you can't take pictures inside the house, so I only got a few shots of the grounds.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

MILLing about: Cheekwood (part 1)

Cheekwood is nestled in the heart of Belle Meade. I visited for the first time on Saturday with a few friends. Here are a few shots of the gang:

I love reflections.

Mike has this sixth sense of knowing when a photo is about to be taken of him. Rarely will you catch him not smiling in a shot. It's actually quite annoying.

Photomerge - my favorite photoshop tool.

I may or may not have a career as a private investigator ahead of me...

I'm enjoying the lovely November weather with my Uncle Ty.

Stay tuned for pictures of the grounds...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A MILLion stories to share 2.2

I haven't posted about my little sister lately (from Big Brothers Big Sisters), so here's a recap of the past month! I love spending time with her. She brings so much joy to my life. She's hilarious, sweet, goofy, and has quite the imagination. My mom was in town tonight and wanted to meet her. We had dinner at Dave & Buster's and then played games. They're now best friends. She decided she didn't like the name Bev and decided to call my mom "Bob" instead, which she did - all night! Also, when it was time to pick a prize with our tickets we had three people give us their tickets! We doubled what we started with. Seriously, next time, we're just going to hang out in the "prize corner" and I'm gonna let her pout about wishing she had more tickets every time someone comes around. She's better at that than playing the games and I'll save a ton of money. Maybe I'll start a college fund for her with the savings!

Last weekend we took advantage of the great weather and headed to Shelby Park in East Nashville for a bit. Check it out:

And, finally, here are a few shots from the "Ghouls at Grassmere" event at the zoo a few weeks ago:

that is all

Monday, November 16, 2009

A MILLion stories to share 2.1

One final post from the weekend in Paducah. Here are a few of my favorite shots from the trip. Before my camera died. Before we met Superman in Metropolis, IL.

Probably the best shot of us from the day.

The dogs were good sports. They worked very hard to understand our instructions to face the camera.

I love being goofy. I especially love when others are goofy with me!

So much to say about this, but I'll let you come up with your own captions.

LOVE this picture. The end.

Girls, I had a blast! It can't be another eight years before we're all together again. Period.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A MILLion stories to share 2.0

Jumping pictures have to be one of my favorites. One, because they're hilarious to take/attempt. Two, because, when done right, they look cool. The four gals spent many a minutes attempting to all jump at the same time and as the timer was going off. Here's a few that almost worked:

You have to be ready. Unfortunately, if you miss your cue, you get a picture that looks like this.

Melinda was definitely the jumping pro of the day.

I promise I'm only a few inches taller than these girls.

It was much easier to time the jump when someone was behind the camera to press the button!

I must say that Elizabeth/Kitty/Liv/Patty (call her what you wish) rocked it. :)

Yea, I haven't laughed that hard in a long, long time...

Monday, November 9, 2009

A MILLion stories to share 1.9

...back in Paducah, KY Anna, Liv, Mo and I were still trying to recreate poses. This time of a statue we found in the yard.


Mo and Liv's recreation:

Liv's and my recreation:
Quite good, eh?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A MILLion stories to share 1.8

This past weekend I reunited with three great ladies from my past. Anna, Liv, Mo-mo, and I hadn't been together as a group in EIGHT years! We had a great time sharing stories and reminiscing. We dug up a few pictures from middle school and high school and laughed about the many unfortunate hair-do's and clothing choices.

Exhibit A:
Yes, I almost have a mullet, Mo has on overalls, Anna has on cargo khakis, and Liv has on a boy-style button up (worn unbuttoned) with a t-shirt. Yea, and you might call this one of our better pictures.

We decided to recreate this shot. With no one to take pictures for us, we relied on a tripod and timer.

Attempt 1:
I apparently weigh a little more than I did in 8th grade. Liv's head was a nice resting place once the other gals decided to give up.

Attempt 2:
I'm at least off the ground, but that's about all I can say.

Attempt 3:

More to come throughout the week!

(Yes, I'm taking one event and spreading it out over several blog posts. Otherwise, it would be another month before this little blog saw any action again.)