Tuesday, July 14, 2009

a MILLion stories to share 1.6

This past weekend I took my little sister to Nashville Shores. It was definitely an experience. Amidst water slides, a large water bucket dumping on top of you, over-priced fried food, large ladies that couldn't keep their tops on, rain and clouds, and almost as many lifeguards as visitors, Jamenita decided to throw up in one of the pools. Too much excitement I guess. Since no one seemed to notice, we quickly evacuated the swimming area and headed to the restrooms/showers... YUCK

Despite the incident, we still had a lot of fun. I had a few shots left with the waterproof disposal camera that I took rafting. Take a look:

Isn't she cute?

Nice. I know.

Her eye is open. Creepy.

Another great photo of the two of us. 

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