Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I don't have a clever/lame title for this one

This weekend John came over and built me a state-of-the-art bed-behind table (Get it? Like bedside table?). John is one of my co-workers whom I call an uncle. Whenever I need something, I know that one of them will be able to help out.

Here's John. The only picture I had permission to take during the building. More like the only picture I snuck in during the building... sorry, John.

She's a beauty isn't she? I LOVE IT! I used to have fabric hanging up, but decided I was sick of it and wanted to get curtains for my windows. I couldn't have that much fabric hanging on my walls and didn't want to give up that great storage space. It's definitely a funny shaped piece, but it serves its purpose well.

John let me drill the holes for the handle. Of course, I required three holes for two screws. Oopsies!

It lifts all the way up, without scraping the wall, and stays put! 

I'm running out of book space, so this might become another shelf soon. Any ideas for cool bookends?

I'm quite proud of my talented uncles. They're the best co-workers a gal could ask for.

Thanks, John!

1 comment:

  1. wow!!! thats awesome. bring him to bg when we move. he can build stuff for us! :)
